LP SkillBuilder®
Everything You Need In One Place

From distribution and installation to maintenance, our training materials can quickly help you become an LP SmartSide pro.

Everything you need at your fingertips: our easy-to-use tools and materials, also available in Spanish, will help you build more efficiently and with better expertise.

Expand your knowledge and stay on top of the latest trends in order to take your business to the next level.
As a building industry professional, you can’t remain complacent. The ability to grow and adapt your business based on the latest trends and developments is key to your success. LP SkillBuilder® is here to give you all of the tools and resources - for free - to help your business thrive. Our videos will walk you through installation instructions along with need-to-know information to help you become an LP pro.
The Benefits of LP SkillBuilder®
Quick access to installation tips, tricks, and instructions
Exclusive content in both Spanish & English
Single sign-on access for existing Remodeler’s Edge members
Tips to improve jobsite efficiency and call backs
Proven homeowner selling techniques
Updates with the latest product launches from LP
Sample Video Courses
Sample Clip
Sample Clip
Sample Clip
Additional Courses
Here are some examples of other courses within LP SkillBuilder® that may help you grow your business and expand your opportunities.
How to Install Trim and Soffit
Selling LP SmartSide to Homeowners
Jobsite Efficiency
How to Measure and Cut Roof Angles
How to Use Concealment Flashing
LP SmartSide vs. Other Claddings

Single Sign-on access for existing LP® Remodelers Edge™ Members
Already an LP® Remodelers Edge™ member? Login to the Remodelers Edge portal and select the LP SkillBuilder® tab. Your accounts will automatically be connected to enjoy easy access to all your LP Benefits.
Courses That Give You Advantage Over Your Competition
Our specialized courses are filled with info, tips and educational tools that can help you become more efficient and more knowledgeable about all things LP SmartSide—and help you stand out among competitors.

Get Instructions From The Kruse Brothers And Other Professionals
No one can give you better advice than your peers. The Kruse Brothers have been installing LP SmartSide Trim & Siding for over two decades. Their insight and practical advice will give you a better in-depth understanding on subjects such as installation, safety info, training and industry best practices.